Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's not who let the cat out of the bag

it's why he's in there in the first place!

Marvin was very ill last week. On Friday morning I noticed he wasn't his usual self so he took a trip to the vet and got some much needed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory shots. Thankfully he perked up 2 hours later and ate some food and had a good long drink. Today he almost seemed his usual self but still not perky. He had a prior appointment for a checkup with the vet and thankfully his temperature had gone down by one degree - but it was still high. He had another smaller shot of antibiotics and I got a stash of pills to give him over the next five days before he goes for another checkup. I've now got to keep and eye on both of the boys to make sure Marley hasn't caught it and that Marvin is getting better.

The boys have also been infested with flees and no matter how much spot-on I've given them I had to douse them in the most foul smelling spray last night - it stunk real bad. I had to do it in the bathroom as it was the only room where I could open a window without the risk of either of the cats escaping. The boys hated it. I hated it. I'm sure anyone else doing this would have hated it. As it turns out I gave the boys a good combing today and any flea that I found was well and truly DEAD! hurrah I hope I've gotten rid of the little blighters.

Some huggage from his bro'
"yeah like I'm REALLY enjoying it"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice photos-Tosha