Sunday, October 21, 2012

The C word

I've seen friends lose husbands, wives, parents and children.  I've seen friends watch their loved ones suffer the grueling regime of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, IV and endless pills.  I've seen so much strength in people that I cannot imagine where they draw it from.  What I do hope to see is a cure, an end to cancer, an end to the pain. 

Stand up to cancer

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Good News

We saw Hollies consultant this week and the good news is that her hip joints are looking better and no need to "double nappy" her.  Now this was great news, so when we got home we removed the second nappy and let her roll around on the floor for the rest of the afternoon. I picked her up later on to sit on my knee and she wee'd on my leg - doh!
Nice one kiddo :)