Sunday, August 30, 2009

a week in pictures

At Archie's 3rd Birthday party

AT Reading Festival

Little Boots Bus!
Marvin, Marvin and even more Marvin

Sunday, August 23, 2009

cute furry monster

Monsters and more

Just got this film at the weekend to watch. It's one of my favourite films and I'm really glad its on bluray now. I think this was one of the first animation films make that had such high definition I remember everyone raving about how you can see the individual hairs on the monsters and I'm not disappointed to see the blu ray edition is even better. Crisp bright pictures and Emily is loving it too. I like the part where one of the monsters is contaminated with a childs sock - kinda explains why we can only find one sock in the washing basket!

Sully's Problem


On the Job


Meet Majestic Marvin

So far he's mewed a little, used his litter tray, played with some toy balls, and knocked over the wooden giraffe and broke its ear and loves hiding under the couch.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I get my kitten on Saturday - can't wait. Can't stop got to shop for kitty things.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ok so maybe we're not expecting just four paws, we are actually expecting 8!
I haven't got any pictures of the other kitty yet as Phoebe is to decide which one she likes. But only 8 more days before I bring Marvin home - oh and I must go shopping for some toys, litter tray, food and a leash - yes you heard a leash. Maine Coons exhibit dog-like traits so I'm hoping to get them used to being on a leash so they can get outside in the garden. I was hoping to buy a cat toilet training system to get them to actually use the toilet in the bathroom but the Dude was not having it!

Anyway here are some piccies from this week :
Water Babies

Baby Isla and Tosha (also a babe!)
Burnt looking babes!
Silly Baby

Sunday, August 02, 2009


yep eveything is pretty much on paws or pause at the moment! Sorry about the pun but we will soon be hearing the pitter patter of 4 tiny (well not so tiny) paws in the house again.
Meet Majestic Marvin - he's the one on the right (a Maine Coon) He's 10 weeks old at the moment and isn't he absolutely amazing? Look at those tufts on his ears and big paws.

Purrfect! I'm very happy he's coming to live with us :)

What else have I been up to this week - well went shopping and bought some new bedding, nothing exciting really. Met a friend for some drinks, went for a Thai meal with a friend for her birthday, sent my uni assignment in (at last), went to see the film Anti-Christ - not for the faint hearted and only I could laugh out loud at the end! Moved the dvd player to the bedroom as we don't need it in the living room anymore. Was ill - must be a delicate tummy. Went to a spa afternoon in Northampton, dug the allotment and put the lettuce in and harvested 2 courgettes and a couple of runner beans -mmm they tasted really good. And went out last night with the girls for a cocktail and a boogie!

Oh and I organised the garden shed so all the gardening bits and bob are now in one place, I free cycled some stuff but only managed to give away a plastic bin. I did manage to get some more paving slabs for the allotment shed, still no sign of a garden shed on freecycle though. Kinda really really want one now to save me having to lug spade and gardening tools all the time. So if anyone spots a free one needing a good home let me know!

Right I'm off to finish block 3 of my course tonight and drink lots of tea.

I'm tired today