Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ok so maybe we're not expecting just four paws, we are actually expecting 8!
I haven't got any pictures of the other kitty yet as Phoebe is to decide which one she likes. But only 8 more days before I bring Marvin home - oh and I must go shopping for some toys, litter tray, food and a leash - yes you heard a leash. Maine Coons exhibit dog-like traits so I'm hoping to get them used to being on a leash so they can get outside in the garden. I was hoping to buy a cat toilet training system to get them to actually use the toilet in the bathroom but the Dude was not having it!

Anyway here are some piccies from this week :
Water Babies

Baby Isla and Tosha (also a babe!)
Burnt looking babes!
Silly Baby

1 comment:

Jean said...

Love the photos! We've just got a dog - she's gorgeous!