Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Life after a BSc

I was going to blog about life after studying for a BSc, but you know what it sounded really dull. Yep I got a BSc, that was exciting, I still have the graduation ceremony to look forward to but that's a few months away yet and that will be exciting too. I've been made an unconditional offer of a Masters in HCI (Human Computer Interaction) which I'm thinking about - yep that's exciting also. But what's really exciting just now (and also hugely stressful) is that we are buying a brand new house. Yipppeeee!

This may sound strange but (fingers crossed that all contracts are exchanged and there are no further little hiccups) this one feels like a proper house. Detached, with a garage, spare room for guests - or a study for me. A nice sized kitchen/dining room.. I could go on but I wont bore you. But you know what I mean - we love our current house but now we have outgrown her and we're ready to move on. Did I say I was REALLY excited about a brand new kitchen? yes? oh ok then

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