Monday, February 09, 2009

Chuan and Caroline's Magic Garden

A while ago I bought my self an Aerogarden. I'd been looking at them for a while but decided they were still too expensive to buy in the UK. Luckily found one on ebay and was very delighted with my purchase. I bought some new bulbs, a pump, and some seed pods for Chuan and I. Chuan opted for 3 varieties of Chili pepper and I opted for 2 varieties of tomatoes. We decided to test the chili plants first. After only a few weeks the pods had already sprouted and each pod contained 3 seedlings, so not to waste any we managed to remove the extra seedlings and re-pot them - hence the very green looking photo below.

As you can see there are lots of the lovely chili peppers growing and poor Chuans desk now resemble a mini greenhouse! Some have even small flower buds and we are hoping to start seeing some chilis in the next couple of months.

Oh and this is simply Emily with some little piggie tails - she actually sat still long enough (and without too much protesting let me brush and plait them). Did try for a face shot but she was too busy watching television.

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