I can definately say that having a baby has turned my brain to mush. I no longer care about my looks, nor have time to address fashion issues. If it's clean, has no baby vomit and comfy I'll wear it. Daytime tv saps your soul - after only 6 weeks of maternity leave I'm beginning to see repeats in Homes under the Hammer, Booty Hunt and other trashy television programmes - please please can someone save me and give me something educational or fun to watch? And no thanks I don't need a loan. Oh and I've discovered the delight in watching Lost! Please could someone let me borrow season 2 on dvd as I'm totally hooked as to what the heck is going on with that island!
Why is it that babies will sleep for hours either in your bed or in your arms but as soon as you put them down to sleep in their cot/bed they wake up? Whereas when you are an adult you can sleep for hours in your bed but not in someone elses arms?
Babies make ace boogers! That's all I have to say on that subjet.
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