Sunday, August 12, 2007

Busy Bee

I've been so busy shampooing carpets all weekend I've even got blisters on my thumb. So when you come to visit you aren't allowed to walk on my carpets, ok?

It's been hard work lugging a heavy carpet cleaner around the place and up and down the stairs. I feel totally knackered, and I ache so much. I don't think my body has had such a thorough work out (mind you I did ache after playing football earlier this week - maybe I'm more out of shape than I think I am!)

Anyway I'm pretty chuffed I've managed to clean the carpets - there were a few odd stains in Emily's room and the bathroom. I think the bathroom ones were from some little person using their toothbrush to clean the floor, and another slightly bigger person having a nose bleed.

Another busy and entertaining weekend over with :( Oh and I finished Harry Potter - anyone want to know the ending?

1 comment:

Lisa Durbin said...

No! Don't tell! ;)