Friday, June 05, 2009

Flats splats!

it's been annoying this week on my bike - after recovering from another viral infection I decided it would be good for me to get back on my bike and cycle to work. I know people think I'm crazy for cycling on the A428 but to be honest the majority of my ride is on pavements and not the actual road it self - in fact I meaused it and I have 2 sections measuring 2 miles each which are only on the road - the rest is pavement. So for my 9 mile bike to work more than 50% is actually on the pavement. But bearing this in mind that still leaves me with 4 miles on the road and it annoys me that so many people drive past with little regard to how close, how fast and what turbulance they cause that either frightens me or does cause me to swerve or stop.

Another annoying fact is that I keep getting punctures lately - maybe its because the inner tubes are getting old, but I've had about 4 punctures to repair over the past week :(

Anyway kids be careful out there and bike safely

Use your head! – make sure you are wearing the right size helmet and it is fitted correctly
Be bright, be seen! – wear light, bright reflective clothes and accessories
Size matters! – ensure your child’s feet can touch the floor comfortably (bike is not too big or small)
Bright ideas! – accessorize your bike with lights and reflectors, and ensure they are kept clean.
Safe Place to Ride! – Stay on cycle lanes and get off the bike and walk if the road looks too busy


kerry jean lister said...

Cycling on an A road?!

Are you mad woman?!

LBB xx

Mum said...

yes - but I love it!