Monday, June 22, 2009

So many things to say

but where do I start?
Ok , well here's a brief run down of the things that I haven't had time to blog about.
1) We're sponsoring a little boy in China - courtesy of a wonderful charity called Cocoa - he's called Little Bo and he is such a cutey. Abandoned at 1 month old, probably because he has Downs Syndrome, he was lucky enough to be found and is now being well cared for by foster carers. He's now 14 months old and is doing very well and we are looking forward to hearing more about his progress. Another plus for this is that my company have agreed to match my monthly donations so I'm very happy.

2) We are humming and hawing about whether we should move house or not - it comes down to just a couple of things really - the house we like we really love because it has much bigger rooms, more living space but a tiny garden, when I say tiny I mean no bigger than the area from my back shed to the end of the decking - not much room to swing a cat as they say and they aren't wrong. So either stay where we are and maybe extend into the 2 back sheds - not without a lot of bother because we need a party wall agreement with the numpty who runs the garage as he owns the house next door. OR move somewhere bigger, with a bigger mortgage but a tiny garden, and no annoying twit garage owners. Big house or big garden?!?!?

3) Allotment - finally after 3 years of waiting my friend was informed we'd been successful in getting one just last week - today we went to see it and oh my god it's HUGE, about 2 meters wide and about 100ft long! The only problem is there is no water on site - so we have to lug large containers of water which is not nice as my friend is 6 months pregnant. Today we got started on it and did some territory marking, did a little planning - about where we should maybe put a shed and waterbutts. We then had a good hack at the land to remove some debris of dumped soil (thanks to whoever did that), removed some broken glass , had a dig around to loosen the soil and made a start at planting some tomatoes, courgettes and beans. Emily had great fun and was filthy by the time I got her home.

There are so many plans going round in my head at the moment - so far I've posted 3 messages on freecycle for some help in getting a small shed, some waterbutts and any spare gardening equipment - I reckon we are going to need some netting to help protect some plants as well as maybe some wood to help prevent the slugs attacking by making some raised beds. We had a good look around at some other peoples make shift protection and I was very impressed. The people were so friendly too - when we just arrived the guy from the allotment next to us came over straight away and spoke to us, and another came with some strawberries for Emily - I'm gob smacked by their friendliness and generosity - I think I'm going to like it at the allotment :)

I've been doing some reading up tonight about crop rotations, crops that help with bug defences, along with making plans for types of plants to grow and home composting. It's all interesting stuff.

But now I must go - I'm tired, and it's getting late

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