Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Shop Till I Drop

I got up at 2.30 am today, not of my own doing of course that would be mad. Phoebe had a nose bleed and woke me up. I just told her to forget about the fact that she's dripped some blood on the bathroom carpet - hey she's an expert in handling her own nosebleeds these days. Anyway she was fine, it was a small nose bleed but I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards as I was getting up at 3.45 anyway to head off to the Next Sale. How mad is that? Some of you may point out that this is very mad indeed. So I've had 3 hours sleep, been to a Next sale and was home by 8.20am in time to feed Emily (yes she slept from 9pm till 8am - what a trooper!). Oh but I wasn't done shopping as we've been busy over the last 2 weeks preparing Emilys room. Walls have been painted Russian Velvet and cream, the woodwork has been spruced up and Drew built the cot. All we needed now was some bedding - so off we went to Kiddicare in Peterborough - purchased some white bed linen and a baby monitor. Hey presto it's now 9.05 pm and Emily is sweetly asleep in her own room. I'm blogging and listening to a baby monitor at the same time - multi-tasking is a full time job eh!

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