Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Yesterday Emily and I took Jack and Lisa to visit the fire station in Cambridge. I thought Jack would go a little bit nuts when he saw a real fire truck but he went very very quiet. Drew explained a lot of kids get a bit quiet when they see a real truck. But we managed to persuade him to take a look in side, sit in the front seat and look at some of the equipment. In all I think he had a good time, but I think the toy puppy he got may have been the highlight of the day! chuckle

Anyway I was having a look at a new blog I found called Turquoise http://www.turquoise.me.uk/ and I was quite pleased to find this link to a green cleaning guide. I may no longer need all those bottles of chemicals and it will probably save a little money too. http://environment.guardian.co.uk/ethicalliving/story/0,,1994096,00.html. I won't be ditching the hoover or all my cleaning products immediately but I shall be giving some of these ideas a go.


Anonymous said...

sign us up for the next tour;-)

Lisa Durbin said...

Hey! Get your own firemen, Newark! ;)

Tazja said...

If you want any green cleaning advice, we've been green for ages because I'm sensitive to chemicals. A good site for that stuff is http://www.thegreenguide.com/
and the best cheap cleaners are baking soda and white vinegar.

If you find an environmentally friendly toilet cleaner that works well, let me know - still searching for one that deals well with hard water minerals.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, advertising! Thank you