Thursday, March 15, 2007

Busy Bee

This is my morning so far, woke up at 6.30 and listened to Emily cooing in her bed. She then fell asleep and I read some chapters in my book. I then got out of bed at 7.20, made lunch for Phoebe, got myself dressed, put on one load of washing, made a cup of tea, made biscuit filling and finished off making custard creams, wiped the couch free of cat hair, ran a virus check on the PC and cleaned it, said good bye to Phoebe. Changed, dressed and fed Emily. Went into town to do the fruit and veg shopping, picked up a can of red hair spray (for Red Nose day at school tomorrow). Checked PC again for viruses, cleaned registry, deleted files. Unpacked shopping, oh and blogged. And it's only 9.30 - who says I'm not a superwoman?

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